Feeling Young

I received an amazing compliment the other day.

I was chatting with an old friend of mine from college. We had met after about 11 years or so, this summer. She is a very sweet, bubbly girl(?) who has had a bit of a rough life since college. We both are well on our way to 40 now. I thought she looked great, put on a bit of weight here and there, but not really different from when I saw her for the first time 17 years ago, in our Stats class.

Now a bit about me..
As memory serves me, I have always been overweight. Looks are nothing to write home about. I used to be a very serious child and even in college, when most people sprout wings and fly, I used to walk cautiously on the right side of the side walk. Aka I was a prude. Don't get me wrong, I always had fun but I was never too wild. Defiant, but not rebellious. For a girl from India, I had it all. I lived on my own, had my own car, nor did I have a very strict budget. But that was me.

Coming back to the compliment...
My friend told me that I haven't changed AT ALL, in the last 17 years. She said she was surprised at my energy levels, my ability to laugh with abandon, and my looks. When I told her she looked the same, she said, " but I feel older."
Hmmmm. Thats when it hit me,
 ' I don't feel older '. 
I have to constantly remind myself I am married with a child. I am not in college any more, I am not a teenager any more. Sometimes, when I sit in front of my dressing table, in the mornings, I shy away from the make up, feeling like I am stealing it from my mother's dresser before going to school. Then, I remind myself its mine. And I don't need permission to wear make up. 

The compliment was probably a standard one up to the point where she said you exude positive energy and that makes you seem very youthful. And it made me feel good. Because I do feel young. My birth certificate may disagree but in my heart, I am still that college going girl(?), barely out of her teens, trying to strike a balance between making her parents happy and making a mark for herself!


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