
The word Passion is described as a ' strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm or desire for anything. ' Also, 'Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling.' But what is it about Passion that makes us act so crazy?

Try to remember the last time you felt passionate about anything/anyone? Did you act as you would right now, at this moment? And its not an age related feeling. I have seen many people who are passionate, in their senior years who act without reason. Most of the times, it seems like the behaviour patterns become quite irrational or at the very least, hasty, in nature.

Lets put aside the passionate relationships aside for a bit.

My husband, who is one of the most calm men, is crazy passionate about golf. We live in New Delhi, India and in the month of June, at about 2 in the afternoon, when the temperatures are averaging 45 Celsius and most of us are lying under the fans with our air-conditioning on full blast, he can be seen on the golf course, with other such fanatics. It is beyond baffling for the rest of us. At such times, even the stray dogs can only be seen under the shade. When he comes home, he is drained of energy, cannot speak or even sit but ask him for another round and he will be up for it!

Lets take workaholics. No matter whether they are sick, fractured or just tired, watch them give up an hour of work. If possible, they will be putting in longer hours, because it truly makes them feel better. Lets take my father, who is a self made businessman. Lets say he is over 60 50 years of age. His work is his passion. He had some minor medical procedures and has gone straight from the hospital to his office. If anyone else in his life is feeling unwell, they are ordered to be in bed and told , "Work never runs away, it will be there tomorrow!". But even on a vacation when the rest of us want to relax, he is scoping for more work.

These instances of passion, may or may not result in irrational behaviour but they do show how the love for something keeps us active and going.

If we think of passion based relationships, whether its a hormone thing or lust, we all behave erratically. However, contrary to popular belief, passion isn't always accompanied by sex. I have observed some relationships where there is no sex but they are full of passion. The intensity, the emotions, the tempers: they are all part of the equation minus the sex. I believe these relationships are even more volatile than their sexual counterparts. Perhaps the physical act balances the mind.  Ummmm, I don't think so! 

In a wonderfully written book by Shrabani Basu, 'Victoria & Abdul', the relationship between the Queen of England, Queen Victoria and her humble Indian servant, Abdul Karim, is described. The bond and the intensity of this relationship is a wonderful exhibition of passions resulting in irrational behaviour. She forgets all protocol, social and official and seems completely blinded by her love of Abdul. And that too from the English Monarchy!

Passion explains a lot of strange behaviour but then is life without Passion, a life worth living? The tears, the sweat, the extra rush of adrenalin, the drama, the excitement is  what makes life, Life. Isn't it?

Here's hoping you all have Passion in your hearts and lives.


Barkha said…
Loved ur definition and examples of passion in our daily lives :-)

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