Pet Peeves

We are human, so its natural that we go through all emotions :- anger, sadness, happiness, excitement, etc.
To get angry is natural, of course to lose your temper and how one loses their temper may not always be acceptable to the recipient, but lets leave that discussion for another day.

Getting angry is natural, however most of us have certain pet peeves which may trigger a response of anger even though it may sound illogical to others. But, it triggers irritation and anger in us : well it does for me anyways.

The top 4 things which are my pet peeves are :-

1) Hiccups!! Yes, something as innocent as Hiccups irritate me to no end! They have the ability to make me angry and short tempered while they last. Just to clarify, this happens only when I get the hiccups, not when someone else gets them. Then, I just feel bad for them.

2) Butterfingers !!! You know the days when you seem to drop everything. Once again, not in others, this is when I get clumsy. I drop my cellphone, my medicines, the contents of my purse and this makes me very angry and extremely irritable!

3) Traffic Jams!! I realize this is a pet peeve that many of us have. However, when you live in an extremely populated city like I do, one can't allow traffic jams bother you. There is road rage, I am aware of this, nevertheless, I still get very upset when I am stuck in a JAM.

4) Sweating!!! I don't mean when I am working out and I sweat. I mean after getting out of the shower, you get dressed, get your make up on and slowly small beads of sweat start trickling down your forehead. You get all sticky and uncomfortable and feel like jumping back onto the shower. That sort of feeling truly pisses me off. I know its no one's fault, but I get very angry!!

What causes you to get ticked off? Does something simple cause you to see red? Please tell me what it is...


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