First Time

Although it shows on my page that I have had a profile since 2007, it is now 2011 and this is my first blog. I really don't know what to write but since I seem to have a lot to say and I enjoy writing, I should write something.
I am a believer of destiny and if I had been asked 7 years ago what goals and dreams I had, my answer would have been completely different than it is today. Today my dreams have a lot to do with my 8 month old son and his wonderful father, my husband. Yes, that is right. I am a new mother(since he is still under 1 years old) and a wife. I was working full time prior to being pregnant but not anymore. There are rumours that I am going back to work, but in all honesty, even I am not too sure that will happen. Don't get me wrong, I loved working but now my priorities are all different.
First of all, I am 38 years old. I worked for about 10 years, not very hard, but I enjoyed what I did. Today, I am a mother. My definition keeps changing. This is my first definition as of today. So what do I want to do? I want to throw my heart and soul into being a Mum. And to be quite honest, I love it! I love being on his beck and call. I love taking care of him. He is my life right now and although many of my friends tell me that I will resent it one day. Today, I don't.
I do take out time for myself and I have a lot of help with my son, so I am not bogged down, so far. When I feel like I need a time out, I will take it. But my question is when did it become wrong to take care of your child.
I live in what is known as a traditional society(India). However, our subset, the upper economic strata of society has become extremely plastic. Therefore, what were known as family values earlier are nowhere to be seen any more. Everyone is completely caught up in the rat race. Unfortunately, Money is at the centre of this society. I, myself am a big fan of it but it is not the air that I breathe.
And for that, please do not judge me.
I love to take care of my son, please do not judge me.
I do not need to drive the most expensive car that I can own, please do not judge me.
I do not need to be at the most happening parties of the year, please do not judge me.
I am happy being who I am, please do not judge me.


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