
I have promised myself I would write today but the big problem is of self motivation. Actually, it is two things. Self motivation and time management. Even if I can motivate myself enough to sit down at the computer to jot down a few words, the bigger problem is time management. I have a 8 month old(well almost 9 months old) and if he is up and about, most of the time he wants me to be there. I have someone who plays with him and sometimes my husband looks after him so I can get some time to do things which I enjoy(such as write) but I think more than that is I can't manage my time well enough to get down to doing some serious writing.
For example, currently, my son is napping and I am for all practical purposes, free to do some blogging but the obstacle I am facing right now is that I can't clear my mind enough to write anything so I am just ranting.

Hmmm, do other new mothers face this problem?
I read a blog today about what actually make you happy. She was asked to name 5 things but her list went into 6 things which make her happy. I am going to try to name a couple of things which truly make me happy.

My family.
My Son ( God Bless Him) gives me so much happiness, it surprises me. I am not maternal and I truly know that. However, how this tiny little soul can give me so much happiness is beyond me. When I wake up in the morning and hold my Husbands hand, I am truly happy. My parents, my mother in law and my brother and sister in law. This is now the core of my family and being with them makes me happy. Do not get me wrong, it isn't always a basketful of roses. There are days when I cant get away from them fast enough but when all is harmonious, I want them around, so I know they make me happy. Also, I can't imagine my life without any one of them.

Good Health
The Good Health of my family and me(since I became a mother, I value my own health more) is very important. I constantly pray for all of us to have good health. Whenever anyone from my family is unwell, it causes me great stress and so them all being healthy gives me true happiness. I think this is a basic one and would apply to anyone but I decided to mention it anyway.

Being Active
This was in Lucy's blog too but I completely agree with her. Moving around, having a busy day, walking, swimming, playing badminton, dancing - all these activities make me happy. I first thought I would mention losing weight but even if I lose weight and don't do anything active, I won't be happy. Losing weight is great, ask ANY overweight person but just losing the weight is not going to make me happy. It is a by-product and it will be a cause for happiness provided I am active, as well.

Pursuing my Passions
READING. I Love my books. I love reading. I have a beautiful library in my home and being there gives me true happiness. I love being surrounded with good books. But, if I can't read some days, then writing, or being on the net (blogging) or even taking an on-line course all give me happiness. I enjoy this 'ME' time, to pursue what I enjoy.

Being Financially Independent
This one is tricky because it can be controversial. When most people are asked about what gives them happiness, are reluctant to put in Money. I am not. I think Money does give you happiness provided it does not become the BE all and END all of life. I am not in competition with anyone with more money than me, but I do feel happy when I do not need to worry about my next bill or when I go out to buy groceries or even if I need to go to the beauty salon. I enjoy that I can have my basics taken care of and a little more. But the reason I wrote Financially Independent is that I don't like to ask anyone else to take care of my needs. Whether its my husband or was my father, I prefer to not be answerable when I spend a bit. We both are one team, my husband and I, but neither he should ask me for every little paisa he spends and neither should I.

Wow! I thought I would need way more than 5 items on my happy list but truly, these are the only big ones which I can think of now.There are small things like travelling, meeting with friends but those are momentary happinesses. This is my happy list. For Now. Every Day brings new Challenges and changes us as people.


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