Order in the House!!

Personally, one of the most difficult tasks for me is to get organised. No matter how much I try, I can never be one of those super organised people. You know the ones I am talking about. All their files are labelled, desks are paperless, kitchen spices are alphabetised. I do admire those people and their homes a lot. However, no matter how much I try, I can't even get the clutter off my desk. Every now and then, I go through phases where I clear up my desk, sort out my cupboards, put my books in the shelves. And I feel extremely proud of myself for what seems to be a whole 10 minutes. Before I can say, 'Jack Robinson' there is new clutter, new bills and mail!!

I obviously have no system, so that maybe the problem and hence the solution. I should start with having a system. Or maybe the real problem is that I just don't really care that there is a mess.
"My name is Simrit and I am cluttery" (is that even a word?).
I know where my medical files, bank papers and books all are, so maybe this is my system. To create order out of disorder......

Currently, I do have the best excuse for everything and that is my son. His toys and books are everywhere and although throughout the day we are picking up after him ( Can't wait for him to do it himself!) our home is always messy.

Please tell me : -
How do you keep your homes organised?
Sometimes, does the clutter make for a homely feel to our homes and lives?


jaya said…
first time i am laughing reading ur blog... hahahahaha!!!:) well, u r organised in ur own way, better than most of us.. so, be what u r and enjoy.. the people who have alphabetised ingredient labels in their kitchen are a diff creed and u dont wanna be like tht..!!:)
Simrit said…
Thanks Jaya. I don't think I want to be like that to... but I do admire them. :)

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